Past Life Regression


Past / Present life regression is a journey to a realm of remembering. Your soul carries the memories of experience from the past – whether in a different lifetime or this one – and can be accessed during this deep guided meditation to uncover the truth that makes sense.

It could bring about knowledge of trauma, phobia, pain (both physical and or emotional) and much more. The great thing about bringing this truth out is that you can now deal with it with greater understanding and compassion connected to those involved.

Delve today to heal the past.

Each session is an hour and can be done in person at our Shop 11 (189 Ocean View Road, Ettalong Beach) on weekends – appointment essential. Or by Zoom / Messenger / WhatsApp.

10 in stock


I have lived before. Many different times. Not always in the past, for sometimes the future precedes the past. In rare cases, that is. So, not always have I lived in the past. Sometimes in the future. Sometimes on a different planet, different realm, different dimension. Sometimes I have lived in this very present time, but in a different country. I cannot always be found.

Something to ponder.

Where have you been?

What is your favourite colour? Do you know? Do you have an all powerful love of one colour over all the others? Black? Brindle? Red? Purple? How about hair style? Friend preference? Do you love the sea over the mountains? The desert over the ocean?

Are you afraid of the dark? Wide open spaces? Heights? Small enclosed spaces? Clowns? Or no phobia at all?

Have you visited a place before and known every inch of it? Yet you know that you’ve “never” been there before in your entire live long years!!! How marvelous it is to know the very nth degree of this place without having ever set foot in it.




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